Post Tag: #enduringleadership

Advent Calendar 13
The art of negotiation is about them: think about their goals, interests, concerns and emotions. Take these into account and you increase your chance of finding the sweet spot, where both of you win. #betterresearchleadership#enduringleadersh [more]
Advent Calendar 12
With practice, giving constructive feedback is as easy as 1, 2, 3. If you deliver it in private. And you prepare 1 carefully. #betterresearchleadership#enduringleadership#leadershipexcellence [more]
Advent Calendar 11
Assertiveness is not aggressiveness. It means meeting the world with an attitude of "I'm ok, you're ok", treating others as adults, and asking out loud for what we want. It's a good base state for a leader. #betterresearchleadership #enduringle [more]
Advent Calendar 10
One surprisingly accurate way to figure out the true values at work in your environment, is to analyse the commonly used phrases and sayings from conversations and meetings. #betterresearchleadership#enduringleadership#leadershipexcellence [more]
Advent Calendar 9
You may not be able to motive your people -- but you can avoid demotivating them. And this worksheet helps you to do just that. Download the worksheet here [more]
Advent Calendar 8
Define your own values and those you want to support your team to reach its goals. Then discuss these with your people. A common set of operational values provides clarity, strengthens cohesion, and improves productivity. #betterresearchleade [more]
Leadership Sculptor is participating in the INTERCEPT-MDS European Network
We are delighted to have been invited to provide training to the INTERCEPT-MDS European Network which is led by Dr. Marcus Buschbeck from the Josep Carreras Leukemia Research Institute, aand are grateful to the EU's Horizon 2020 research and innova [more]
Advent Calendar 7
Leaders tend to procrastinate in roles which are both important and uncomfortable for them, which sabotages their success. One way out of this bind is to ask your mentor. Another way is to ask your coach. #betterresearchleadership#leadershipe [more]
Advent Calendar 6
We all remember those bad days when nothing works out and it seems as if the world is against us. On such days we need a special tonic to pick us up. Here's a recipe: Record successes (no matter how small), compliments, praise and positive feedback [more]
Advent Calendar 5
"Between stimulus and response lies a space. In that space lie our freedom to choose a response. In our response lies our growth and our happiness." -- Viktor FranklAnd in this also lies our resilience. [more]
Advent Calendar 4
A surefire way to free up some time for yourself as a leader is to master the noble art of delegation. Along with developing trust in your people. #betterresearchleadership #leadershipexcellence #enduringleadership [more]
Advent Calendar 3
What qualities do excellent leaders you have worked with display? Here are the qualities are participants have named over the years. Which of these do you share, or could begin to? #betterresearchleadership #leadershipexcellence #enduringl [more]
Advent Calendar 2
Enduring Leadership Excellence is about how you interact with yourself, your team, your organisation and your environment. Self-Awareness is key. betterresearchleadership leadershipexcellence #enduringleadership [more]
Advent Calendar 1
Enduring leadership excellence is the art of influencing others to reach a common goal or vision, while taking care of the needs and development of everyone involved. [more]