Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis published a highly readable article on Social Intelligence and the Biology of Leadership in the Harvard Business Review last September. Their work on emotional intelligence brought them fame and they developed thei [more]
Michael Bungay Stanier has just posed the question Should you be working on vacation? on his Great Work blog, as part of a follow-up to an entry on the Brazen Careerist blog:  I’ll Be Working On Vacation: What’s Your Idea Of Work/Life Balance? [more]
One more time: Why Work-Life Balance isn’t healthy
In the Practice Makes Perfect blog, guest writer Barry Moltz wrote Work - Life Balance? Nonsense! about the artificial split between work and life. His basic suggestions is that in the age of the iPhone (or, in my case a Nokia E71) classical tips suc [more]
Michael O'Leary, Ryanair's CEO has an in-your-face reputation, or as my mother might put it, no class. When he suggested last week that passengers might have to pay to use the washroom on flights, I thought this is as low as it gets. One of the fu [more]
How I’m coming to love blogging
To be honest, the only reason I'm writing this entry is that Sandy McMullen, who I'm getting to know through twitter, tagged me in her article on how she loves blogging about personal development, written as part of Typepad's "I love Blogging" initia [more]
In his inner game work, Tim Gallwey distills coaching to the equation p = P - i. In longhand: performance  = Potential - interference. In working as a leadership sculptor I've come to see the i as standing for imbalance. A lack of life balance — a [more]
The local jeweller, TeNo has started a campaign to help a local charity (the Stand Up Initiative, an organisation collecting money to help paraplegics) by requesting comments on its blog: a 2 Euros donation per positive comment. They'd like to reach [more]
Pooh is one of my heroes, so I was delighted when Suzanne Falter-Barns twittered The Winnie the Pooh Guide To Blogging to my attention earlier today. The article presents nicely how a disparate collections of musings, like this blog, can gel together [more]
On my way home from a leadership seminar yesterday, I was faced with train chaos. The train staff just announced it was country-wide. Once in a train that was actually able to travel, I asked the ticket collector what was going on. After a bit of squ [more]
A while ago I wrote an entry about Positive Feedback Loops. This video tells a story of the power of giving people positive feedback. And, if you watch carefully, you might even notice Angelina Jolie's brother in a supporting role. So, take 1 [more]
The InterPM conference on the future of project management will be held on 19-20 June 2009 in Glashütten, near Frankfurt, with the them "Projects as a Cultural Experience". The event is a nice mix of key note addresses, some talks and workshops and [more]
Approaches such as Open  Space support the emergence of leadership in organizations. Some people think it's enough to apply Open Space's simple structure and wonderful things will happen. This is not always the case, the intention behind the method [more]
The dust has settled on this year's InterPM conference on Innovation through Project Management, where Klaus Wagenhals and I (representing metisLeadership) held the Open Space at the conference. We also facilitated an interdisciplinary warm-up wor [more]
In my leadership development work I meet many managers who are suffering from too much pressure in their lives and are unsure about what they can do to relieve the pressure. When I suggest a simple form of meditation or related form of relaxation, I [more]