Ginger Lapid-Bogda's The Enneagram in Business portal contains an "Ask the Coach" feature, where a coach of each Type answers the same question about coaching, to give a flavor of the different possible perspectives. Ginger asked me to be the Type 9 [more]
Ginger Lapid-Bogda's The Enneagram in Business portal contains an "Ask the Coach" feature, where a coach of each Type answers the same question about coaching, to give a flavor of the different possible perspectives. Ginger asked me to be the Type 9 [more]
Ginger Lapid-Bogda's The Enneagram in Business portal contains an "Ask the Coach" feature, where a coach of each Type answers the same question about coaching, to give a flavor of the different possible perspectives. Ginger asked me to be the Type 9 [more]
Ginger Lapid-Bogda's The Enneagram in Business portal contains an "Ask the Coach" feature, where a coach of each Type answers the same question about coaching, to give a flavor of the different possible perspectives. Ginger asked me to be the Type 9 [more]
Ginger Lapid-Bogda's The Enneagram in Business portal contains an "Ask the Coach" feature, where a coach of each Type answers the same question about coaching, to give a flavor of the different possible perspectives. Ginger asked me to be the Type 9 [more]
Ginger Lapid-Bogda's The Enneagram in Business portal contains an "Ask the Coach" feature, where a coach of each Type answers the same question about coaching, to give a flavor of the different possible perspectives. Ginger asked me to be the Type 9 [more]
Ginger Lapid-Bogda's The Enneagram in Business portal contains an "Ask the Coach" feature, where a coach of each Type answers the same question about coaching, to give a flavor of the different possible perspectives. Ginger asked me to be the Type 9 [more]
The Leadership of Letting Go, Part 9
The second path to curiosity for leadership is to view things from another person's perspective. It's a common pitfall not to do this. In a recent coaching conversation, a manger was telling me about how one of their direct reports had turned ho [more]
The Leadership of Letting Go, Part 8
Managers have answers; leaders ask questions. Lawyers only ask a question (in court) when they already know the answer; leaders ask questions to which they don't have the answer. They are curious. This curiosity pays dividends. By asking qu [more]
The Leadership of Letting Go, Intermezzo
When I started this series on the leadership of letting go, I thought there might be four or five entries in it. The I decided to drop my preconceptions and my planning and allow the series to emerge, piece by puzzling piece. If there is a piece of [more]
The Leadership of Letting Go, Part 7
When leaders operate under the illusion of control, it's a sign that their ego is running the show. Sometimes this is a good thing (it reminds them to get to a meeting on time), sometimes it leaves no space for a good way to emerge to meet their [more]
The Leadership of Letting Go, Part 6
In Part 3 of "The Leadership of Letting Go" I touched on the role of trust in leadership. People want to be able to trust, and be trusted by, their leaders. This demands that leaders be authentic. One roadblock on the road to authenticity is that wha [more]
The Leadership of Letting Go, Part 5
 Leadership is increasingly challenging: more demands in less time. Upping the number of hours doesn't help either since the time to recharge and be fresh for the next day's challenges gets eaten away. During the rest of the week, we look at some s [more]
The Leadership of Letting Go, Part 4
Leadership is about taking decisions, especially good ones.  At the same time, if we are attached to the outcome, then the quality of our decision-making can suffer.  In his book Awareness, Anthony De Mello tells of a saying from the Chinese philos [more]