The current issue of Fortune contains mini-interviews with 22 well-known people from business and politics, including the usual suspects, e.g. Bill Gates (together with his father) and Warren Buffet. The interview with Eric Schmidt, Chairman and CEO [more]
The New York Times, Sunday Edition,  has been running a series The Corner Office over the past several weeks. In each, a senior manager is interviewed abou their take on leadership. Today's interview, with Eduardo Castro-Wright, In a Word, He wants [more]
It's been a hectic few weeks, probably interesting to reflect on from a project management perspective, but that's not where my thoughts are today. After the thriller with the paperwork (I nearly lost my "J" thanks to a mix-up in the Irish Department [more]
Nice interview with Richard Andersen, CEO of Delta Airlines, in today's NY Times, "He wants Subjects, Verbs and Objects" . He talks about the importance of communication skills and the dangers of Powerpoint –people get used to talking in bullets an [more]
The InterPM conference on the future of project management will be held on 19-20 June 2009 in Glashütten, near Frankfurt, with the them "Projects as a Cultural Experience". The event is a nice mix of key note addresses, some talks and workshops and [more]
Seth Godin recently distilled a great list about getting serious about your meeting problem. It highlights the problem that many people in companies face: being in meetings all day. If you've wondered when the work gets done, for some people the answ [more]
You may need to read Part 0 of this series to make sense of what follows. The morning began with an hour of meditation, followed by a repetitive question. cj76530: Repetitive question for all #enneagram Types: what does development mean for you? [more]
You may need to read Parts 0 and 1 of this series to make some sense of what follows. As ever, at such events, the side conversations are the best; especially the misunderstandings. I had so much fun discussing different approaches to leadership d [more]
You may need to read Part 0 of this series to make some sense of what follows. The context for all the comments is that people were discussing about how they have developed and matured over the years: what was helpful, what was more challenging. A [more]
I'm just back from the Spring meeting of the annual German Enneagram Teachers in the Narrative Tradition (the mouthful shortens to E-MT in German, thank goodness!). It's always to good to catch up with old friends and catch some relaxed learning at t [more]
At the weekend, I worked with a group of military officers who are transitioning to civilian life. Two of the hot talking points were the workshop style and the differences between leadership style in the military and civilian spheres. Their core [more]
I've been reading the Bouncing Back After A Layoff blog over the past few weeks – lots of food for thought in these turbulent times. Today's article on What Jobseekers Can Learn From Obama is an excellent reminder about thinking abou [more]
Growing up in Ireland in the 1960s, I was told my fair share of stories about St. Patrick, Ireland's patron saint, whose feast day is being celebrated all over the world today. The story that stuck with me is about the Easter fire. [more]
Sandy McMullen has started a series "Burning MBTI Questions Answered" on her Personality Plus in Business blog. The current question deals with a conflict between two team members. Given the level of information in the question, Sandy does a great jo [more]