Merry Christmas and Rauhnächte!

Merry Christmas and Rauhnächte!

As the year draws to a close, I hope you’re looking forward to a break and also some time around children, who seem to imbue this season with its own magic.

In Germany, the 12 days of Christmas coincide with the Rauhnächte, a time traditionally for driving out spirits and engaging in prophecy. I’m not suggesting you do either, but in this quiet time before the 6th of January, it’s good to reflect on the year just ending and to take some time to plan the year just starting. 

Here are some typical questions to kickstart your thinking.

For the year finishing:
  • how much of our goals did we reach?
  • what helped me and my team to achieve this?
  • what hindered us and how could we do better?
For the upcoming year:
  • what are the major goals and milestones for the year for me and my team? 
  • in what area do I want to improve my leadership?
  • of what do I want to let go?

On behalf of all of us here at Leadership Sculptor, I wish you the blessings of the season. 

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