Post Tag: Enneagram

Practice what you preach
Project Management is not just something we train; recently, it’s also been something we’ve been living. I decided in 2017 to move from Baden-Baden to somewhere near Heidelberg, to be closer to our clients and to reduce the wear & tear of tra [more]
EMBO Lab Leadership Course at LSI
A report by LSI staff on the recent EMBO Lab Leadership course we ran in Exeter: The LSI hosted a 4-day EMBO Laboratory Management Course as a part of its mentoring programme, to support the junior PIs and Research Fellows at the Institute from 21 [more]
SIMR hosts our first open EMBO Lab Leadership course in the USA
Leadership Sculptor delivers its first open lab leadership course in the USA. Over the years, many research leaders have asked when we would bring the EMBO Lab Leadership course to the USA. Since 2016, we have delivered courses in the Broad Institute [more]
Leadership Sculptor has been delivering Lab Leadership courses for EMBO since 2005. In 2016, we deepened the work together and the course organizer Sam Krahl (EMBO Lab Leadership) began to deliver some of the courses together with members of the [more]
The “100% Certain” Tour
Daphne is modelling the Leadership Sculptor "100% Certain" tour tee-shirt designed by Henni (Hbcreates) for our US tour. The ladies seem to be happy to have me out of the office for a while. Together with Melanie and Petra, we will be visiting the u [more]
Eat, Pray, Lead – Our First Experiences With Scientific Leadership in India
“The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life.” -- Rabindranath Tagore One way we sometimes define the task of the leader is this: It is his or her job to prepar [more]
Merry Christmas and Rauhnächte!
As the year draws to a close, I hope you're looking forward to a break and also some time around children, who seem to imbue this season with its own magic. In Germany, the 12 days of Christmas coincide with the Rauhnächte, a time traditionally fo [more]
Leadership Sculptor is pleased to announce the launch of its expansion into book publishing with “Somebody? Nobody? – The Enneagram, Mindfulness and Life’s Unfolding” by Mary Bast, PhD and CJ Fitzsimons, PhD. The book contains helpful insight [more]
7 Ways to improve your meetings
Meetings are the bedrock of getting things done in organizations, or at least they could be. Despite all the practice we get, most people complain about meeting quality. Don’t expect them to improve on their own. Eric Barker’s Barking up the W [more]
The more the world changes, the more research stays the same
Imagine that a professor were to beam in from a late 19th century laboratory. Once he had recovered from the shock of the trip itself and the variety of new machines and instruments surrounding him, he would begin to smile and nod in recognition abo [more]
3 Skills to Improve Your Leadership
It’s often said that the most important task for leaders is to develop their people. While there’s more than a grain of truth in this, there’s also an old saying from personal growth, Let It Begin With Me. To be able to develop others, you nee [more]
5 Tips on how to enhance your research career
I recently caught up with my old friend, Mike Crawford while preparing a talk on research strategy. After a 30+ year career in academia, including 26 years as a professor at U Texas at Austin, Mike joined a technology start-up as CTO in Idaho in 2004 [more]
Jimmy’s Guardian Angel
Although many people speak about the year “winding down”, family, friends and clients describe this time of the year as action-packed: there’s lots of work to finish before the Christmas break, there are cards to be written, presents still [more]
Does the widespread use of English lead to retractions in research?
I was intrigued when a friend drew my attention to a recent PLOS ONE article by Albert Costa et al which investigates the role language plays in ethical decisions. At least one retraction or corrections seem to be in every issue of the major scie [more]