The Leadership of Letting Go, Interlude
Leadership is about dealing with what is, rather than what you've planned for. When I started this series on the Leadership of Letting Go, I didn't foresee that my laptop would have a serious accident today, when I was arriving at  a client's of [more]
The Leadership of Letting Go, Part 3
The key to leadership is to recognize over what I have control, and not. Basically, I have control over myself, my thoughts, feeling and abilities. Over most everything else in life, I am powerless. Anything else is just an illusion. Let it sink in f [more]
In order to live the leadership of letting go, it can be helpful to gain more insight into the sources of our need to control. While there are many sources, some of the more productive ones to investigate are linked to our personality. The Enneagram [more]
The Leadership Think Tank group on Linked In has been discussing the difference between leadership and management for several months now. The discussion shows no signs of running out of steam. One fundamental difference between leadership and mana [more]
Project Managers face dilemmas every day; it comes with the job. Project management has developed as a discipline to help managers deal with their dilemmas.  The basic one is how to reconcile the sponsor's demands for efficiency with the end-users' [more]
  Projects have their own rhythm. The classical instruments of project management only take you so far. Last year, the interPM conference focused on the role that culture plays in shaping a project's rhythm. The GPM (German Project Manage [more]
Ginger Lapid-Bogda's The Enneagram in Business portal contains an "Ask the Coach" feature, where a coach of each Type answers the same question about coaching, to give a flavor of the different possible perspectives. Ginger asked me to be the Type 9 [more]
Time management is a topic that will always be with us. In a recent leadership workshop, one of the participants, a professor of physics, asked me about it. I thought that the wise words of Lewis Carroll, the pseudonym of Oxford mathematician Charles [more]
Many thanks to Kati Järvinen, a colleague in the Enneagram in Business network, for bringing Stefan Sagmeister's TED talk to my attention. In it, he describes how he made a conscious decision to take a one-year sabbatical every seven years and [more]
Ginger Lapid-Bogda recently launched The Enneagram in Business portal. The learning portal is part of this great resource, with great contributors such as Jerry Wagner (describing the Types or Styles in detail) and Bea Chestnut (on the Sub-types). Th [more]
Nobody's perfect, not even the company that runs with the motto "don't be evil". Google wrote me a letter, dated October 7, that gives me, a user of google maps,  a €50 voucher to advertize using Google AdWords. So far, so generous. The voucher is [more]
David Plouffe, who managed Barack Obama's 2008 election campaign, addressed the German Project Management Forum in Berlin yesterday via satellite. I was busy translating for colleagues who couldn't keep up with his (for non-native speakers) slightly [more]
I came across an online Enneagram test today; it pegged me correctly as a 9w8. Looking around the site, I noticed a Famous Leader test, which comes in different sizes. When I took the nine question version of the test, my style came out to be Albert [more]
A blog post I wrote about six months ago, called A Basic Equation of Leadership, still attracts lots of traffic; it's easily my most-read posting here. So, in the coming weeks I'll be expanding on the ideas in the original post, which was a tad crypt [more]